Without Jesus We Can Do Nothing
Product code :855396
ISBN :9781627855396
Author :Pope Francis, Gianni Valente
Publisher :Twenty Third Publications
Type :Books
In this engaging and candid interview, Pope Francis inspires us to see how crucial mission and witness are to the life of the Church. Jesus commands his followers to go into the whole world and preach the gospel. This means, says Pope Francis, that “either the Church is going forth or it is not the Church.”
But what is this “going forth” really all about? Pope Francis helps us see that it’s not a program, a goal, or a set of instructions, but learning to be open to an encounter with Christ prompted by the Spirit. It means learning to live out our baptism every day.
By exploring and putting into practice what Pope Francis says here, every parish evangelization committee, every parish ministry and adult formation team, and, indeed, every baptized person will be drawn to a deeper understanding of Christian mission and witness, grow to encounter Christ more deeply, respond to the promptings of the Spirit, and bring Christ to the world.
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48 pages
5.5” x 8.5”
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