- Bayard Faith Resources
- Pflaum Publishing Group
- Pflaum Publishing Group
Pflaum Publishing Group

Pflaum is dedicated to supporting the Catholic education community through the publication of high-quality and innovative products designed to meet the diverse needs of Catholic schools and parishes. Our primary focus is the catechetical ministry of the Church, which we support through the creation of engaging, family-centered faith formation programs like The Pflaum Gospel Weeklies.
At Pflaum, we understand the importance of supporting Catholic education, and our products reflect our commitment to this mission. Our Gospel Weeklies faith formation program is centered around the Sunday liturgy, making it an engaging and accessible resource for teachers and families alike. Whether you're looking for resources for faith formation, sacramental preparation, liturgy of the Word for children, seasonal resources, or catechist formation, Pflaum has the resources you need to support your Catholic education ministry. So why wait? Start exploring Pflaum's resources today!