SALE - What Should We Really Pray For? A Catholic Guide to Prayer of Petition

SALE - What Should We Really Pray For? A Catholic Guide to Prayer of Petition

“I’ll pray for you.” What do we mean when we say this? Are we always sincere, or has this become our standard response when we’re at a loss for words?

Product code :855464

ISBN :9781627855464

Author :Fr. Tracy O'Sullivan, O.Carm.

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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“I’ll pray for you.” What do we mean when we say this? Are we always sincere, or has this become our standard response when we’re at a loss for words? Making a commitment to pray for someone is a serious responsibility, says Fr. Tracy O’Sullivan. But it’s also an opportunity to enter into a mystery where we recognize our helplessness in the hands of an all-loving and merciful God.

In this enlightening booklet, Fr. O’Sullivan explores how we petition God, what hinders our authentic prayer, and how we find our deepest expression of prayer in the one Jesus taught us.

With engaging personal stories and insights, he addresses the mystery of our unanswered petitions and what it means to develop a richer, more fulfilling prayer life—rooted in faith, and nurtured by hope and love.

32 pages, 5.5" x 8.5"

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