Threshold Bible Study

Threshold Bible Study

Jesus is God's greatest victory and likewise he is the fulfillment of humanity's deepest longing. Because of the resurrection of Jesus, a new age has dawned and life will never be the same again. What exactly did happen on Easter morning? Why did it impel the disciples to begin a journey that would transform the world? This book will help you understand what the Scriptures teach us about our own resurrection and how that hope gives purpose to everything we do.

Product code :953679

ISBN :9781585953677

Author :Stephen J. Binz

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Jesus is God's greatest victory and likewise he is the fulfillment of humanity's deepest longing. Because of the resurrection of Jesus, a new age has dawned and life will never be the same again. What exactly did happen on Easter morning? Why did it impel the disciples to begin a journey that would transform the world? This book will help you understand what the Scriptures teach us about our own resurrection and how that hope gives purpose to everything we do.

Author: Steve Binz

136 pages  |  6" x 9"

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