Spirit, Show Me the Way

Spirit, Show Me the Way

Product code :855457

ISBN :9781627855457

Author :Margaret Felice

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Joy. Peace. Generosity. Kindness. These are some of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit— and you can get more of them in your life, beginning today. This book can help you get started. It contains prayers you can say to help you live the Fruits of the Holy Spirit every day. Do you need more peace? Are you faced with decisions? Do you have doubts? Anxiety? Are there people who have hurt you? No matter what issues you’re facing, no matter where you’ve been, or where you are going, you’ll find a prayer to say that can open your eyes to all the possibilities that await you when you open your heart to the grace of the Holy Spirit within you.

Margaret Felice

64 pages, 4" x 6"

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