Soul-Care for Teachers 20

Soul-Care for Teachers 20

Every hero needs time to recharge, which is why this booklet is perfect for teachers.

Product code :856195

ISBN :9781627856195

Author :Carole Eipers

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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Every hero needs time to recharge, which is why this booklet is perfect for teachers. Carole Eipers suggests simple yet creative ideas for practices that will appeal to teachers’ caring hearts while offering rest and renewal. From seeking the hidden beauty residing at your school to learning how to accept limitations, each practical suggestion is accompanied by an inspiring reflection and a prayer-talk to have with Jesus or one of the many saints who are patrons of teachers. An inspiring, healing, and supportive resource for every teacher you know.

24 pages

5.5" x 8.5"

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