Songs of the Heart
Product code :854511
ISBN :9781627854511
Author :Joan Chittister
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
The psalms in this book, all pieces of poetry and music, have profound meaning for us today. If it is true, that the history of a people is found in its songs, (George Jelinek), this spiritual history of the House of Israel is our history as well. And, the psalms express the history of any living human being in search of the living God. In this simple little book, Sr. Joan offers poignant reflections on 25 psalms, each offering a spiritual oasis away from the stresses of a world that demands more attention than the human soul can sometimes bear. Her hope is that readers, in praying and reflecting on the psalms, may find new meaning at the core of life and make songs of their own. This is great spiritual reading for all who long to break open the psalms and pray with them more attentively.
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Author: Joan Chittister
Format: Softcover