Rejoice in Hope
Rejoice in Hope
A dedicated husband and father of 10, author Jonathan F. Sullivan brings a father’s perspective to the season of Advent with a strong dose of hope. This Scripture-focused, page-a-day Advent devotional for families is immensely doable with its four weeks of poignant reflections, graceful prayers and approachable intergenerational activities and conversation starters for parents and children.
Product code :RJ2
Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish
Type :Booklets
A dedicated husband and father of 10, author Jonathan F. Sullivan brings a father’s perspective to the season of Advent with a strong dose of hope. This Scripture-focused, page-a-day Advent devotional for families is immensely doable with its four weeks of poignant reflections, graceful prayers and approachable intergenerational activities and conversation starters for parents and children.