Guided by the Directory for Catechesis
This book provides a guide, serves as a mentor, and offers suggestions to help us apply the Directory for Catechesis to our particular circumstances.
Product code :858137
ISBN :9781627858137
Author :Catherine LaVecchia, John Roberto, Janet Schaeffler, OP
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
Our new (2020) Directory for Catechesis, a timely gift to the universal church, offers us a vision to renew and revitalize catechesis in our (arch)dioceses and parishes in this unique moment in which we live. At times we might ask what this vision practically and realistically means in our individual everyday catechetical situations.
This book provides a guide, serves as a mentor, and offers suggestions to help us apply the Directory to our particular circumstances. The flow of this guidebook leads us from vision to practices to application to design. As the Directory comes alive in our communities this guidebook encourages, challenges, and assists us to develop holistic, effective, innovation, and lifelong catechesis for all ages that empowers us to live discipleship in our everyday lives as well as responding to the needs of today's world.
144 pages | 8.5" x 11"
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