Good News in Bad Times

Good News in Bad Times

In this uplifting book, popular spiritual author John Lozano helps us change our perspective and “look with new eyes” at God’s active presence in our daily lives.

Product code :855549

ISBN :9781627855549

Author :John P. Lozano

Publisher :Twenty Third Publications

Type :Books

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Is there any good news?

The current climate of political chaos, social and economic turmoil and global polarization can leave us feeling deflated. In this uplifting book, popular spiritual author John Lozano helps us change our perspective and “look with new eyes” at God’s active presence in our daily lives.

Good News in Bad Times is a book about “listening to our human experience especially with the ears of faith and discovering practical strategies for responding to the good news -- and even the bad news that surrounds us.”

Grounded in scripture and filled with stories of hope, humor and daily grace, each chapter ends with space for personal reflection and renewal. A book to savor and enjoy, Lozano offers us a ray of sunshine for our times.

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144 pages

 5.5” x 8.5”