America the Beautiful Holiday Glasses

America the Beautiful Holiday Glasses

In the song “America the Beautiful,” we sing, “God shed his grace on thee.” Let’s thank God throughout this historic year USA’s 250th birthday. Assemble the glasses from this activity sheet, then look around your neighborhood, city, state, country. Open your eyes to how God continues to bless this land that we love. Make a drawing to display the beautiful things, places and people you see. Great for children of ALL ages!

Product code :ABCH

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Church Supplies

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In the song “America the Beautiful,” we sing, “God shed his grace on thee.” Let’s thank God throughout this historic year USA’s 250th birthday. Assemble the glasses from this activity sheet, then look around your neighborhood, city, state, country. Open your eyes to how God continues to bless this land that we love. Make a drawing to display the beautiful things, places and people you see. Great for children of ALL ages!