Advent Seasonings Booklet

Advent Seasonings Booklet

From the “all-you-can-eat buffet” of Eden to the baby laid in a feedbox, the fun, thoughtful devotions in this little booklet follow a taste-tempting food narrative through the Bible—all to add a little “spice” to the celebration of Advent for teens and young adults.

Product code :AS6

Type :Booklets

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From the “all-you-can-eat buffet” of Eden to the baby laid in a feedbox, the fun, thoughtful devotions in this little booklet follow a taste-tempting food narrative through the Bible—all to add a little “spice” to the celebration of Advent for teens and young adults. This book is sure to whet one’s Advent appetite along our jour­ney to Bethlehem, where we discover the Lord who truly delivers.