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Stewardship is more than “time, talent and treasure.” In 30 days, this inspiring booklet will show readers how embracing stewardship is a deeply spiritual approach,...
A Kid's Journey to Easter, Year C Lent is a time for us to be “in the zone.” In union with Jesus, we try to...
This simple little book from a great spiritual giant attends to what we human beings are most inclined to forget, preparing for and engaging in...
Matthew's gospel presents Jesus as Israel's royal Messiah, inaugurating God's kingdom in the world. It was written to help Jewish Christians understand that their faith...
The new Threshold Bible Study gospel series is a dynamic, informative, and inspiring way for you to enter into a deeper relationship with God through...
Each activity book contains 32 reproducible activities, one for each lesson. Activities relate to the Gospel and doctrinal themes. Topics include Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Corporal...
Lesson plans are presented in eight to 10 steps with instructions on how to select the steps to build 60-minute or 90-minute sessions, with additional...
Many of us are familiar with the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. But what do they really mean for us? How can bearing wrongs...
The Church gives us the sacrament of reconciliation to demonstrate God’s ever-faithful love and forgiveness. What a great reason to celebrate with your child! As...
Grandparents play a vital role in the work of the Church, passing on the faith in many and various ways to future generations. In the...
Based on Pope Francis' speech to the youth assembled in the square, Have the Courage to Be Happy is a handbook for teens and pre-teens....
The second half of Matthew's Gospel moves from the Transfiguration to the Resurrection, announcing Jesus as the world s true King. The life, death, and...
Threshold Bible Study is a thematic Scripture series designed for both personal study and group discussion. The thirty lessons in each study may be used...
The authors, both in recovery themselves, bring their experience, strength, and hope to their reflections on Scripture. Organized loosely around the seasons of the liturgical...
Paul wrote his most developed expression of the good news of Jesus Christ to the church in Rome. Demonstrating his skills as a missionary, pastor,...
Catherine Stewart was not feeling well, but she never dreamed she was suffering from stage 3 colon cancer. From the moment of her diagnosis, through...
Lesson plans are presented in eight to 10 steps with instructions on how to select the steps to build 60-minute or 90-minute sessions, with additional...
The program is set up as 12 one hour lessons. Also included with the program: coordinating music playlist featuring songs by well-known Catholic composer John...
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