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This delightful, all-inclusive resource covers Years A, B, and C of the liturgical cycle. Creative, hands-on activity sheets are perfect for involving children ages 5-8...
You are invited here to explore the biblical springs of the Eucharist. Through this exploration, you will enrich your understanding of this sacrament and deepen...
This informative book offers insights into the reasons many parents have become disengaged from the faith community, and offers supportive ways to meet families right...
This “best of” collection is a highly engaging instructional resource for religious educators. It contains 25 songs by educator/composer John Burland, and covers a variety...
The guide provides a plus step-by-step plan for each Together in Jesus lesson including an overview, specific objectives, preparation suggestions and an opening prayer. Annotated...
With a foreword by Nobel Winner Mairead Corrigan Maguire The Beatitudes are “the hope and prayer and vision of Jesus, the blueprint for Christian discipleship,...
The guide provides a plus step-by-step plan for each Together in Jesus lesson including an overview, specific objectives, preparation suggestions and an opening prayer. Annotated...
Each activity book contains 32 reproducible activities, one for each lesson. Activities relate to the Gospel and doctrinal themes. Topics include Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Corporal...
Based on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ (On Care for our Common Home), this book presents thirty well-designed lessons on learning what we can do—in the...
The epidemic of bullying and disrespecting others fills the news each day. In this excellent and important book, Kevin Dowd offers catechists and parents practical...
John Bosio here draws from his experience as a family therapist and committed believer to provide a path for a loving marriage inspired by the...
A Child's Journey to Easter, Year C Lent is the time when Catholics fast, pray, and do good works to help us follow Jesus. We...
This encyclical, drawing its name from St. Francis' Canticle of the Creatures, reminds us that earth is our common home and that we must care...
This bestselling resource is a unique approach to helping candidates prepare for the sacrament of confirmation. It invites them to examine their spiritual callings, commitments,...
The cross is the both worlds' most contemptible instrument of punishment and the symbol of humanity's greatest hope. In turning this tool of torture into...
Every week God gives you an incredible gift. Something you can see, touch, hear, and taste. It's the Mass, and you are especially invited. As...
Threshold Bible Study is a thematic Scripture series designed for both personal study and group discussion. The thirty lessons in each study may be used...
This practical, hands-on guide is written to help catechists and catechetical leaders share the richness of the Catholic faith while affirming and honoring the many...
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