Walking in Love of Scripture

Walking in Love of Scripture

Whether we’re Bible beginners or already praying with Scripture every day, these reflections will help us take up the pope’s invitation to let the Scriptures enrich our lives.

Product code :855228

ISBN :9781627855228

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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Reflections, Ponderings and Prayers

Pope Francis has given the whole church a powerful gift. By declaring that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time will henceforth be known as the Sunday of the Word of God, he is offering us a special opportunity to move more deeply into the Scriptures, the life-giving word of God.

The reflections and prayers in this booklet, based on thoughts from Pope Francis’ declaration, explore what the pope is hoping this day will do for us. Whether we’re Bible beginners or already praying with Scripture every day, these reflections will help us take up the pope’s invitation to let the Scriptures enrich our lives.

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32 pages |  4” x 6”