Based on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ (On Care for our Common Home), this book presents thirty well-designed lessons on learning what we can do—in the...
No matter how long we’ve been participating in the Mass, there is always the possibility of seeing it in a new way, with fresh eyes....
In this booklet, Tom Quinlan gives solid advice for how to make the Mass more accessible and relevant to even the youngest child. Offering simple...
In this booklet, Allie Johnston offers great suggestions for talking to children about God—God’s goodness, God as Creator, how we understand the Blessed Trinity, God...
Here Connie Clark provides guidance for talking to your children about telling the truth, accepting responsibility, fairness and sharing, understanding rules, keeping promises, asking forgiveness,...
This practical, hands-on guide is written to help catechists and catechetical leaders share the richness of the Catholic faith while affirming and honoring the many...
From his poignant description of the church as a field hospital, to proclaiming the need for mercy in a jubilee year and beyond, Pope Francis...
Your “Center” in the Circus of Life What throws you off balance? In this powerful and uplifting book, Kathy Hendricks helps us identify the roles,...
This informative book offers insights into the reasons many parents have become disengaged from the faith community, and offers supportive ways to meet families right...
You’ve volunteered to be a catechist! If you’re wondering what to do next, this workbook is the perfect guide. Here you’ll find teaching and organization...
Beginning with the entrance into church, this concise booklet explains step by step the proper responses and actions for each part of the Mass. Perfect...
Newly designed and updated, this booklet contains traditional Catholic prayers, Holy Days, the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, the Precepts of the Church, Sacraments, Corporal and Spiritual...
Here are more than 30 strategies and ideas to help catechists, teachers, and parents share the Beatitudes and Jesus’ teachings about loving God and neighbor....
The traffic jam, the long line at the drive-through, the spinning ball on the computer—in our hectic and busy lives, these times of waiting, waiting,...
Your child is growing up, dealing with realities like cell phones, social media, club sports, and increasing pressures to succeed. So doesn't it make sense...
Enter more deeply into the Passion of our Lord and the mysteries of salvation with this simple, beautiful, and powerful Way of the Cross. Starting...
Help children develop a lifelong love for our Blessed Mother with these kid-friendly lessons and activities. Each is created to help you teach memorably about...
This encyclical, drawing its name from St. Francis' Canticle of the Creatures, reminds us that earth is our common home and that we must care...
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