Gifts As Low As $10 And Under
Help parents understand the significance of confirmation preparation—both for their children and themselves. Here parents will find strategies for open, honest conversations about everything from...
Making a bulk purchase of a download is the same as making a normal purchase. Enter the number of copies you wish to purchase, then...
Even the most prayerful catechists can use some inspiration to support and strengthen their ministry and spiritual growth. This inspiring booklet is like a series...
There is an appointed time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1 At the death of a loved one, you might be experiencing shock, grief, numbness, and many...
Help teens get more out of service projects and learn about God’s grace at work within them — in one essential booklet. This easy-to-use journal...
The Catechist’s Formation Workbook offers spiritual formation and essential skill-building for all in the parish who serve as catechists. This Facilitator’s Guide provides resource background...
Author: Leisa AnslingerLeisa Anslinger has a long history in parish ministry, most recently at IHM in Cincinnati. Her parish work has helped form Leisa as...
Want to “pray always,” as the apostle Paul recommends, but aren’t sure how to start? These 26 themes will help you focus and deepen your...
Praying the Stations with Teenagers This acclaimed booklet addresses many of the challenges teens confront today as they follow Jesus in their daily lives: peer...
This delightful booklet is a perennial favorite because it involves children spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It invites them to ponder what happened to Jesus and...
Praying the Stations of the Cross for Seniors Walking with Jesus on his way to Calvary can take on special meaning for us as we...
Pope Francis has called the Church to become more merciful. We are invited to imitate Christ who, in his way of the cross, offered mercy...
Each one of us has a disability of one sort or another—some are visible and obvious (needing a wheelchair, for example, or even glasses for...
“As your child’s first teachers in the faith, you are the ones who make the promises on his/her behalf; you are the ones who will...
“This simple little book,” says Joan Chittister, “touches on four elements of mindfulness that account for all the angst in our society right now—moral maturity,...
In every parish there are elderly parishioners who are not able to come to church. By going out to them as a minister of care,...
This wonderful little booklet is a great way to thank volunteers and to keep them engaged and committed. In short, easily readable chapters, with prayers...
The epidemic of bullying and disrespecting others fills the news each day. In this excellent and important book, Kevin Dowd offers catechists and parents practical...
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