Listening with Heart through Auditio Divina

Listening with Heart through Auditio Divina

Deriving from an ancient Benedictine prayer practice known as lectio divina, or sacred reading, auditio divina provides us with a similar practice in which we engage in sacred listening. 

Product code :858359

ISBN :9781627858359

Author :Tony Pichler and Katie McAllister

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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'Deriving from an ancient Benedictine prayer practice known as lectio divina, or sacred reading, auditio divina provides us with a similar practice in which we engage in sacred listening. This booklet will introduce readers to the background behind the power of music, how music effects our whole being, the historical and spiritual roots of lectio divina, and finally the process of using auditio divina to delve deeper into the words and music of our lives.

32 pages | 5.5" x 8.5"

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