Threshold Bible Study
Threshold Bible Study
Threshold Bible Study is a thematic Scripture series designed for both personal study and group discussion. The thirty lessons in each study may be used by an individual for daily study over the course of a month or they many be divided into six lessons per week, providing a group study of six weekly sessions.
Product code :953725
ISBN :9781585953721
Author :Stephen J. Binz
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, dwells among us and showers us with spiritual gifts. Here Stephen Binz has chosen key biblical texts to help readers discover how to rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow God's Spirit to manifest these divine graces and spiritual gifts more richly within them. He shows how the same Spirit who inspired the prophets and evangelists and who filled the life of Jesus now blows within and among all God's people.
Author: Stephen J. Binz
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