Refresh Your Faith: The Scope and Tasks of Catechesis
Product code :855747
ISBN :9781627855747
Author :Carole Eipers
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Booklets
The new Directory for Catechesis provides an opportunity to renew and refresh the call to catechetical ministry. The Refresh Your Faith series offers hands-on applications of the Directory’s principles for catechists, catechetical leaders, parents, and all those involved in this vital ministry.
It’s been more than two decades since a pontifical document on catechesis was published. Here, Dr. Carole Eipers focuses on the Directory’s call for a new kind of catechesis—“an itinerary of faith”—as she guides us through the newly named Five Tasks of Catechesis:
- Leading to Knowledge of the Faith;
- Initiating into the Celebration of the Mystery;
- Forming for Life in Christ;
- Teaching Prayer;
- Introduction to Community Life.
In clear and succinct language, Dr. Eipers outlines how the Directory guides us to catechize in a contemporary world through “the living encounter with Christ.”
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