Prayerfully, We Prepare

Prayerfully, We Prepare

With a unique focus on the Lenten readings, Prayerfully, We Prepare offers over 50 questions to explore our daily habits, choices, and actions throughout this penitential season and beyond.

Product code :854702

ISBN :9781627854702

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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Prayerfully, We Prepare - the season of Lent calls us to deep reflection as we journey into the desert with Jesus to encounter our own sin and temptation. With a unique focus on the Lenten readings, this booklet offers over 50 questions to explore our daily habits, choices, and actions throughout this penitential season and beyond. This powerful examination of conscience will help prepare our hearts and minds to experience the fullness of the Paschal Mystery—the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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32 pages, 4” x 6”