Never Stop Praying

Never Stop Praying

Never Stop Praying is a clear, concise, and simple guide to “praying always,” as Paul instructs us. Designed to make our random moments (driving, walking, doing dishes) times of prayer, the 26 weekly themes offer reflections, Scripture, and a weekly action that makes prayer an activity as regular as breathing—and as important as action!

Product code :853521

ISBN :9781627853521

Author :Leo Gafney

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Never Stop Praying is a clear, concise, and simple guide to “praying always,” as Paul instructs us. Designed to make our random moments (driving, walking, doing dishes) times of prayer, the 26 weekly themes offer reflections, Scripture, and a weekly action that makes prayer an activity as regular as breathing—and as important as action!

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Author: Leo Gafney

128 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”