Gifted by God Candidate's Book
Product code :882076
ISBN :9782896882076
Author :Anne Jamieson and David Daylor
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
Gifted by God contains everything Confirmation candidate needs for every session and aims to prepare young people to celebrate the sacrament. Gifted by God: Journal leads teens through the major principles of their faith and is specifically structured for the context of preparing for confirmation through reading and reflection. This program has an official license from Cardinal Thomas Collins and will prepare candidates to commit personally to the promises of faith that were originally made for them at baptism. This contemporary and full-colour journal also includes laminated cards that will reinforce what the student learned in the preceding session, as well as involve the whole family in the candidates immediate preparation.
by Anne Jamieson; David Daylor
Note that this book can only be sold within the United States. We ask our Canadian friends to order directly from Novalis.