Empowering the Parking Lot Parent

Empowering the Parking Lot Parent

The newest book from beloved author Sr. Pat McCormack gives catechists and DREs powerful tools to help parents fulfill their mission as “first heralds of the gospel” for their children.

Product code :856454

ISBN :9781627856454

Author :Sr. Patricia McCormack

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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The newest book from beloved author Sr. Pat McCormack gives catechists and DREs powerful tools to help parents fulfill their mission as “first heralds of the gospel” for their children. Sr. Pat shows how catechists are uniquely positioned to provide the support parents need “to find their own voice, to name and claim their personal spirituality, and to be comfortable in passing it on to their children.” Brimming with ideas, plus reproducible materials (full of even more great ideas!) to share with families, this invaluable resource equips catechists with the practical and spiritual insights they need to guide and coach parents to be the spiritual leaders God calls them to be.

128 pages

8.5" x 11"

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