Becoming a Person of Mercy

Becoming a Person of Mercy

Steeped in scriptural insights and enhanced with the words and deeds of champions of mercy from Pope Francis to Jackie Robinson this profound book is part practical guide, part spiritual refreshment, and part small-group handbook.

Product code :851602

ISBN :9781627851602

Author :Max Oliva, SJ

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Many of us are familiar with the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. But what do they really mean for us? How can bearing wrongs patiently or comforting the afflicted be relevant in our modern world?

Fr. Max Oliva shares stories and insights from decades of ministry around the globe with people whose lives are enriched by giving and accepting mercy. From a First Nations community in Canada to an inner city parish in California, he discovers moving examples of mercy at work and humbly shares his own conversion to compassion experiences. Steeped in scriptural insights and enhanced with the words and deeds of champions of mercy from Pope Francis to Jackie Robinson this profound book is part practical guide, part spiritual refreshment, and part small-group handbook. Each chapter contains questions for reflection and discussion to help us discern how God, the source of mercy, calls us to extend mercy to others, to his own creation, and especially to ourselves. Even the smallest works of mercy, says Fr. Oliva, are graced experiences of God alive within us.

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