Becoming a Fervent Disciple

Becoming a Fervent Disciple

In this thoughtful and practical book, John Lozano challenges us not to settle for just the good, but to strive for greatness, to become disciples fervent and fearless in sharing the good news of Jesus’ message everywhere.

Product code :853415

ISBN :9781627853415

Author :John P. Lozano

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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When it comes to following Jesus, what’s the difference between being a good disciple and a great one? What’s the difference between a placid Sunday assembly and a parish community on fire with the gospel? In this thoughtful and practical book, John Lozano challenges us not to settle for just the good, but to strive for greatness, to become disciples fervent and fearless in sharing the good news of Jesus’ message everywhere.

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Author: John P. Lozano

136 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”