An Attitude of the Heart

An Attitude of the Heart

When Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’, his encyclical on care for our common home, it was a call to more than just a change in our behaviors. It was a call to a change of heart. 

Product code :858120

ISBN :9781627858120

Author :Margaret Felice

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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When Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’, his encyclical on care for our common home, it was a call to more than just a change in our behaviors. It was a call to a change of heart. Inspired by Laudato Si’, this booklet gives thoughtful guidance and practical tips on how to experience what Pope Francis calls an ecological conversion: a change in the ways we see the world and love our neighbor, so that we can honor God’s gift of creation by keeping it healthy and vibrant. 

32 pages | 5.5" x 8.5"

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