Learning About the Bible

Learning About the Bible

Living Faith Kids Sticker Book. The Bible is a gift from God—to children and the whole world! All new content, including colorful stickers and activities, help children appreciate that the Bible is filled with stories, adventures, letters and much more, all revealing God’s great love for us. Starting with Adam and Eve and meeting fascinating people all along the way until we get to God’s own Son, Jesus, readers will be delighted as they become hooked on God’s great book!

Product code :GGN

Author :Connie Clark

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Booklets

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Living Faith Kids Sticker Book. The Bible is a gift from God—to children and the whole world! All new content, including colorful stickers and activities, help children appreciate that the Bible is filled with stories, adventures, letters and much more, all revealing God’s great love for us. Starting with Adam and Eve and meeting fascinating people all along the way until we get to God’s own Son, Jesus, readers will be delighted as they become hooked on God’s great book!