Profundizando y Madurando Nuestra Fe

Profundizando y Madurando Nuestra Fe

Profundizando y Madurando Nuestra Fe is an excellent resource for new catechists and teachers, as well as for those who have been teaching for some time. It was written by Hispanics for Hispanics

Product code :95618X

ISBN :9781585956180

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Profundizando y Madurando Nuestra Fe is a 15-chapter catechist or teacher formation process in Spanish, which can be used over 30 sessions, corresponding to Into the Fields. Buy the Profundizando Learner Pack below to get the booklets for Creciendo en la Fe, which presents the entire Catechism in plain Spanish and is often used as a component to this program. It presents a comprehensive training course for catechists. It focuses on the theological foundations of the Catholic faith, and offers sound guidance for increasing the spirituality of those who teach religion. The book is divided into five main sections: The Creed, The Life of Christ, The Bible and Tradition, Sacraments and Sacramentality, and Pastoral Action in the Christian Community.

Profundizando y Madurando Nuestra Fe is an excellent resource for new catechists and teachers, as well as for those who have been teaching for some time. It was written by Hispanics for Hispanics.

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