Praying Our Way Toward Wholeness
Product code :854467
ISBN :9781627854467
Author :Tracy O’Sullivan, O. Carm
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
“One of the best ways to encounter Jesus,” says Fr. Tracy O’Sullivan, “is unswerving commitment to deep personal prayer.” And in this simple and elegant guide, he shows us step by step the path to such life-changing prayer as practiced in the Carmelite tradition.
“The Carmelite tradition,” he says, “is a special roadmap created by some of the great saints and Doctors of the Church. It is a call for beginners, a lift for those on the way, and an awesome guide for those approaching home. One thing we all share is that we need to take the next step.”
Wherever you are on the spiritual path, the wisdom you’ll find in this powerful book “will help you discover what is next for you in walking with Jesus in prayer.”
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Author: Tracy O’Sullivan, O. Carm
112 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”