Finding Your Spiritual Direction as a Catechist
Finding Your Spiritual Direction as a Catechist
Filled with excellent tips and wonderful reflections, this book will help the catechist of any and every level re-engage and re-energize their spirituality so that sharing the Good News will be fulfilling and life-changing for catechist and student alike.
Product code :853255
ISBN :9781627853255
Author :William B. Miller
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
Filled with excellent tips and wonderful reflections, this book will help the catechist of any and every level re-engage and re-energize their spirituality so that sharing the Good News will be fulfilling and life-changing for catechist and student alike.
Click here to view sample pages of this book.
Author: William B. Miller
80 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”