Daily Lent 2025 Calendar (Spanish)
Sold in sets of 50
This Spanish calendar builds on the traditional practices of worship and meditation with short daily Scripture reflections on one of the daily readings from Mass. With citations to lead readers deeper into the readings, it provides a spiritual pathway to the dawn of Easter. Printed in full color on both sides of an 8½" x 11" sheet, this calendar has space for parishes to print their Lent and Holy Week schedules, contact information or other notes. Dated material not returnable.
Product code :APDW
Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish
Type :Church Supplies
This Spanish calendar builds on the traditional practices of worship and meditation with short daily Scripture reflections on one of the daily readings from Mass. With citations to lead readers deeper into the readings, it provides a spiritual pathway to the dawn of Easter. Printed in full color on both sides of an 8½" x 11" sheet, this calendar has space for parishes to print their Lent and Holy Week schedules, contact information or other notes. Dated material not returnable.
Sold in sets of 50