Preparing for a Lifetime of Love

Preparing for a Lifetime of Love

Drawn from the parts of The Joy of Love in which Pope Francis speaks directly to couples, the thirty brief reflections here help couples remember what is most important about their wedding and marriage—now and throughout their lives together.

Product code :852333

ISBN :9781627852333

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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30 Reflections for Engaged Couples from Pope Francis’ The Joy of Love

Imagine an engaged couple preparing for marriage having an opportunity to sit down with Pope Francis himself and listen to the pope speak from his heart about marriage and love, commitment and faith and joy! That’s exactly what Preparing for a Lifetime of Love offers every engaged couple. Drawn from the parts of The Joy of Love in which Pope Francis speaks directly to couples, the thirty brief reflections here help couples remember what is most important about their wedding and marriage—now and throughout their lives together.

32 pages | 4” x 6” |