40 Keys To Discovering Mary And The Saints
40 Keys To Discovering Mary And The Saints
In this special issue of Catholic Digest, journey with us and grow in relationship with our Blessed Mother and the saints. Discover Mary in Scripture, understand the Church’s teachings about her, and where you can encounter Mary up close by visiting shrines dedicated to her.
Product code :CDSP1603
Publisher :Catholic Digest
Type :Special Issue
Sold Out
In this special issue of Catholic Digest, journey with us and grow in relationship with our Blessed Mother and the saints. Discover Mary in Scripture, understand the Church’s teachings about her, and where you can encounter Mary up close by visiting shrines dedicated to her.
The Catechism teaches us that the saints "do not cease to intercede with the Father for us”. Find out what that means as we explore what the Church teaches about supernatural acts, learn why Catholics pray to saints, and discover who the Church is considering next for sainthood.