How to Talk with Teens

How to Talk with Teens

Topics include friendship, dating and sex, breakups, social media, forgiveness, parental relationships, and more.

Product code :856409

ISBN :9781627856409

Author :Connie Clark

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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How do you talk with teenagers, especially when they don’t want to talk to you? Or when the subject is a tough one, like dating, taking care of yourself, or even faith? This brand-new series offers ideas for approaching challenging topics with sensitivity and openness. You’ll find helpful information, prayers, and suggestions for conversation starters and activities that are grounded in faith and rooted in loving concern for a young person’s well-being and growth. Perfect for parents, youth ministers, catechists, teachers, and confirmation sponsors, each is meant to foster deeper connections while gently guiding teens toward becoming the people God has created them to be.

Topics include friendship, dating and sex, breakups, social media, forgiveness, parental relationships, and more.

32 pages

5.5" x 8.5"

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