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Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn the basic parts of the Mass and the people’s responses with this interactive sticker booklet. Following...
The Stations of the Cross is so powerful a devotion because we put ourselves in the steps of Jesus as he makes his way to...
Living Faith Kids Sticker Book. The Bible is a gift from God—to children and the whole world! All new content, including colorful stickers and activities,...
Jesus loves her. The Saints love her. And we love Mary too! Children will discover why (and how) our Blessed Mother Mary is loved so...
Young children (4-8) readily understand that Lent is a time to get ready for Easter. But they may not understand why we start out with...
Gather your household, family, classroom, or study group together to celebrate special occasions throughout the year with brief rituals of prayer, reflection, and sharing. Included...
Follow Jesus on his journey through Jerusalem during Holy Week. Children love to open the windows which reveal the colorful scenes of Jesus' journey. Each...
The Rosary is one of the most enduring forms of Catholic prayer because it is a simple yet profound way of immersing oneself in the...
All About Your First Communion This new Living Faith Kids sticker book is a great companion piece to the popular First Communion banner explaining the...
Young children (4-8) will have fun as this interactive sticker booklet teaches them about the Ten Commandments, God’s loving guidelines for living a safe and...
This Catholic Christmas booklet is a helpful tool for families to use to celebrate with gladness all 12 days of the season of Christmas. Family-friendly...
Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn to identify the names and uses of the objects typically found in a Catholic Church. With...
Young children (4-8) understand that Advent is our time of getting ready for Jesus’ birth. Shopping,decorating, baking and sending cards are good ways to prepare...
Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn about the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church with this interactive sticker booklet. Following along with...
Popular children’s author Connie Clark offers an inspirational introduction to a kid-sized communion of saints. Children will learn about beloved saints through the ages like...
Gather together with your family during the six weeks of Lent to prepare your hearts and lives for Easter. The weekly devotions, songs, simple family...
Cross Examinations immediately brings readers closer to Christ as they experience a more personal way of praying the Stations of the Cross. Designed for individual...
Mazes, crosswords and more activities and fun await you! Children will learn from the examples of saints who walked among us. Inside this booklet you...
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