Let’s Sing! Let’s Pray! CD — Teaching Catholic Prayer to Children Through Song (Digital Version)

Let’s Sing! Let’s Pray! CD — Teaching Catholic Prayer to Children Through Song (Digital Version)

This CD includes traditional prayers set to music. It works especially well with young children learning prayers. Includes: Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Jesus Prayer, and Instrumental music tracks for all 16 songs.

Product code :HTP-DG8337

ISBN :9781947358003

Author :John Burland

Publisher :Pflaum Publishing Group

Type :CDs

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This CD includes traditional prayers set to music. It works especially well with young children learning prayers. Includes: Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Jesus Prayer, and Instrumental music tracks for all 16 songs.

This is the digital version. Add item to cart, follow checkout process, and an email with a link to download the album will be sent to your inbox.

Songs are in three formats:
• Traditional--A formal version of the prayer with organ or unaccompanied voice.
• Echo--A call and response version of the prayer.
• Contemporary--A musically appropriate & respectful version of the prayer presented in a modern popular style.

Here are the song lyrics for Let’s Sing, Let’s Pray! Teaching Catholic Prayer to Children Through Song.