A Decision to Love (Leader's Guide)

A Decision to Love (Leader's Guide)

Whether you have an existing pre-Cana program or you re ready to start something new, this essential handbook can help you plan, organize, and facilitate a marriage preparation program that responds to the needs of today's engaged couples, with: full texts of the prayers, vows, readings, and blessings from the Order for Celebrating Matrimony, Second Edition.

Product code :852364

ISBN :9781627852364

Author :John M. V. Midgley and Susan Vollmer Midgley

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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This acclaimed marriage preparation program has been newly revised to include the new Order of Matrimony. The comprehensive leader's guide contains all the materials in A Decision to Love, plus complete directions for facilitating sessions.

Whether you have an existing pre-Cana program or you re ready to start something new, this essential handbook can help you plan, organize, and facilitate a marriage preparation program that responds to the needs of today's engaged couples, with: full texts of the prayers, vows, readings, and blessings from the Order for Celebrating Matrimony, Second Edition.

Frameworks and guidance to help you lead couples in addressing important topics such as children, stepchildren, finances, religious practices, and more. Wedding liturgy planner to share with couples included.

168 pages

8.5" x 11

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