Meet Saint Bernadette: A Stick-With-Me Storybook about the Saint of Lourdes

Meet Saint Bernadette: A Stick-With-Me Storybook about the Saint of Lourdes

When she was just fourteen years old, young Bernadette saw a bright light shining in the rocky cliff above a running stream near her home in Lourdes, France. What could it be? Learn the story of what Bernadette saw in the cave that day and the inspiring events that followed. Colorful stickers help to illustrate the wonder of Bernadette’s visions and the miraculous results of her faithful obedience to Mother Mary.

Product code :BMN

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Booklets

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When she was just fourteen years old, young Bernadette saw a bright light shining in the rocky cliff above a running stream near her home in Lourdes, France. What could it be? Learn the story of what Bernadette saw in the cave that day and the inspiring events that followed. Colorful stickers help to illustrate the wonder of Bernadette’s visions and the miraculous results of her faithful obedience to Mother Mary.