Together in Jesus First Reconciliation
These new Family Activity and Memory Books extend the lessons of the Together in Jesus programs even further. Each book includes prayers to know and how to celebrate the sacrament instructions, and the last a memory page for each sacrament makes this a great keepsake for each child.
Product code :TIJ-8481
Author :Sr. Janet Schaeffler, O.P.
Publisher :Pflaum Publishing Group
Type :Books
NEW! Now available, the My Family Activity and Memory Book for families and their children preparing for first sacraments extends the lessons of the Together in Jesus programs even further. Each book includes instructions on how to celebrate the sacrament—PLUS a keepsake page to serve a memory/scrapbook for each sacrament.
For every lesson:
• Lessons in the activity books match the lessons and themes in Together in Jesus
• Parent background with a QR code go directly to the Together in Jesus online parent teaching guide
• Scripture and Doctrine activities reinforce key themes for each sacrament
• Family activity and a prayer
Available in English and Spanish
With Imprimatur
Click here to read a sample!
32 pages
6” x 9”