Our Greatest Gift: Devotions on a Wonderful Life in Christ

Our Greatest Gift: Devotions on a Wonderful Life in Christ

Product code :WWC

Type :Booklets

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Devotions for Advent

Rediscover the joy and blessings of daily life with this devotional booklet centered around the beloved film, It’s a Wonderful Life. Rooted in God’s Word, each daily Advent devotion incudes a scripture passage and reflection richly interwoven with scenes from the classic movie, along with a brief prayer.

These Advent devotions by Author Michael Hoy center around the scenes and themes of the beloved Christmastime film It’s a Wonderful Life. Based on the 1943 short story “The Greatest Gift,” the film warms the heart with the inspiring lesson that life is precious. These endearing Advent reflections follow the life and times of the movie’s central character, George Bailey, but with a twist, placing the events in the context of our faith in Christ, who truly gives us a wonderful life through his birth among us.

Delight church members, staff and volunteers with a seasonal gift of this devotional booklet designed to remind readers that amid whatever challenges, heartbreak or troubles we face, we can find comfort and joy rejoicing in Jesus.