Prayers to Mary eBook

Prayers to Mary eBook

This booklet, which includes both traditional and modern prayers, will help us renew our prayer to Our Lady. With an introduction and beautiful illustrations, this collection is a beautiful gift and will quickly find its place in your own prayer corner.

Product code :LWCSP1902DC

Author :Living with Christ

Publisher :Living with Christ

Type :E-Book

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Digital edition of Living with Christ Prayers to Mary: Words of Beauty and Wisdom.

This collection of prayers to Mary includes traditional prayers like the Magnificat and Memorare, prayers for times of trouble and for those who suffer, and a beautiful prayer written by Sr. Joyce Rupp, OSM entitled “Mary, companion of those who wait.”

Here are some of the other prayers included:

Prayer to Our Lady of Mercy

O Mary, Bearer of the Fire

Prayer to Mary, Untier of Knots

Salve Regina

Ave Maris Stella

Mary, Help of Christians

To view a sample click here.

32 pages I 6.375” x 6”

Canadian customers please call Novalis to order. Tel: 1-800-387-7164 (toll-free US & Canada only)