Household Rituals eBook

Household Rituals eBook

Household Rituals was once a popular feature in our Living with Christ monthly missalette, and we’ve collected our favorites together for you in this special edition!

Product code :LWCSP1903DC

Author :Living with Christ

Publisher :Living with Christ

Type :E-Book

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Digital edition of Living with Christ Household Rituals: Prayers and Blessings Through The Year.

Gather your household, family, classroom, or study group together to celebrate special occasions throughout the year with brief rituals of prayer, reflection, and sharing.

Included in this 32-page booklet are twenty-five selections for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary Time, and other special occasions.

Examples include:

An Advent wreath blessing

An Epiphany blessing for the home

Beginning our Lenten journey

A family Easter candle

Celebrating Mary’s assumption

Honoring the saints

A back to school blessing

Loving our neighbors

Blessing the poor

32 pages I 6.375” x 6”

Canadian customers please call Novalis to order. Tel: 1-800-387-7164 (toll-free US & Canada only)