2024-2025 Sunday Missal
2024-2025 Sunday Missal
Sunday Readings, Order of Mass, Prayers and Reflections
Author: Living with Christ
Stay connected to the parish’s most important celebrations and enrich your participation in the Mass. This essential resource will help you prepare for, and actively participate in, the Eucharistic celebration with the U.S. Lectionary Sunday readings and those for Holy Days of Obligation for Year C, including complete Order of Mass (for Canadian Lectionary, please call 1-800-387-7164 to order), Sunday prayers and blessings, spiritual reflections on the readings, and much more!
Whether you’re attending Mass in person or praying at home, the Living with Christ Sunday Missal is your perfect companion for living the Eucharist.
Ideal for personal devotion, liturgical ministries, and faith formation.
4.375" x 6.25" l 624 pages
Living with Christ Sunday Missals are dated and are non-returnable.