The Lord Is My Shepherd Psalm 23 Devotional Booklet

The Lord Is My Shepherd Psalm 23 Devotional Booklet

Product code :LD6

Type :Booklets

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The 23rd Psalm is one of the most widely known passages of Scripture. For use both as inspiration at times of celebration and as comfort during times of grief, these devotions reflecting on the words of the Psalm assure us of our Lord’s constant guiding presence, care and protection, even in the face of life’s most challenging experiences.

An inspirational resource with numerous uses, this booklet offers words of comfort, hope and the peace we find resting in the care of our Good Shepherd. Beneficial for grief ministry, RCIA, retreats or to enhance personal prayer time.

See our series of four-service Psalm 23 worship kit. Give our Psalm 23 prayer card to keep the message close at hand.