Drawn to the Cross

Drawn to the Cross

Product code :TGH

Type :Booklets

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Draw near to Christ through daily Lenten contemplation of his personal and infinite devotion to you.

Henri J.M. Nouwen, one of the most beloved spiritual thinkers of the 20th century, wrote poetically about drawing closer to the cross of Christ in a way that has touched the hearts of readers the world over.

Excerpts from Nouwen’s inspiring insights are paired with original reflections and prayers in this booklet for each day of Lent, as we come to understand more deeply the meaning of the cross in terms of humility, service and sacrifice.

Invite every adult in your congregation to ponder Jesus’ personal and boundless love for them this Lent when you hand out Drawn to the Cross.

See our full Drawn to the Cross collection for more church and home Lenten resources for drawing us closer to Christ and deeper into humility, service and sacrifice.