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A wholly original approach to Scripture, this book by popular author Leo Gafney is a must-read for parish Bible study groups, adult formation ministry teams,...
In this immersive and expansive exploration of the gospels, Fr. Dan Daly offers a fresh take on both the remarkable episodes from Jesus’ life as...
“I desired to intentionally and wholeheartedly walk that path in a way that allowed God to transform me into the image and likeness of Christ...
What is the secret to a great homily? How do you keep folks engaged and perhaps still mulling your words long after Mass? With his...
In this powerful new book, best-selling author and spiritual writer Fr. David Knight fervently reminds us that to live a Christian life means actively embracing...
“May the God who bestows great gifts on us continue to bless us and nourish us in the days ahead. May our work always reflect...
Author Glenn Byer works from the premise that the Liturgy of the Word needs to be rediscovered. By understanding how God speaks, and how we...
Continuing the invitation to full participation in the liturgy, Byer explains the holy times and events (such as major liturgical feasts as well as saints’...
26 Ordinary Ways to Live the Liturgy is the first book in the Mass Appeal series. Glenn Byer invites us to consider how we participate in...
Confirmation with First Eucharist Use this comprehensive resource to develop a fuller awareness of the sacraments of initiation, or for restored order programs. Help children...
First Eucharist Student Lessons explore the sacraments of initiation, the liturgical seasons, and the biblical stories of Zacchaeus, the loaves and the fish, and the...
First Eucharist Student (English) Lessons explore the sacraments of initiation, the liturgical seasons, and the biblical stories of Zacchaeus, the loaves and the fish, and...
First Reconciliation Student (Spanish) Lessons focus on biblical stories about Christian living -- including the Good Samaritan, the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount,...
First Reconciliation Family Pack First Reconciliation Student (English) Lessons focus on biblical stories about Christian living -- including the Good Samaritan, the Ten Commandments, the...
What does it mean to follow Jesus’ way of the Cross and to place our trust in God for our true security, instead of in...
The death of a loved one is a shock, and planning a funeral can feel like a burden in a time of stress and grief....
“We are meant to be hope-filled people,” says noted spiritual writer and Living Faith contributor Joyce Rupp, but how do we keep an enduring sense...
David Wells, a teacher and a father of three kids from the UK, shares with us his own path to discipleship in The Reluctant Disciple....
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