Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Summer Solemnities Lessons–Venture

Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Summer Solemnities Lessons–Venture

Additional Pflaum Gospel Weeklies lessons for every level to enable you to extend your faith formation program!

Product code :PGW-VESS

Publisher :Pflaum Publishing Group

Type :Curriculum

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Are you looking for new ideas for faith formation outside of the school year? Pflaum Publishing now offers additional faith formation lessons for the summer months.

How can you use the new Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Summer Solemnities Lessons?

  • After the PGW lessons end in May
  • Before the PGW lessons being in September
  • As a summer VBS
  • Home lessons to keep families engaged over the summer

The Summer Solemnities Lessons cover:

  • The Ascension of the Lord
  • Pentecost Sunday
  • Most Holy Trinity
  • Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
  • Nativity of John the Baptist
  • Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • Saints Peter and Paul
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

While these celebrations take place between May and August, no dates will appear on the lessons. This will give you more flexibility to use these lessons as you choose.

PLUS the Free Teaching Guide (PGW-VESST) is available online ONLY, which will include the corresponding pages from the catechism handbook What the Church Believes and Teaches.

Eight (8) 8-page lessons

Click here to see sample of the Ascension of the Lord lesson