Preparing children and youth for the sacraments is rewarding, but there is so much to do! These booklets can help coordinators, DREs, and parish staff...
In his landmark book, Promise and Hope, Bill Huebsch outlines a pastoral theology for what Pope Francis calls the Art of Accompaniment—a call to “remove our...
Making a bulk purchase of a download is the same as making a normal purchase. Enter the number of copies you wish to purchase, then...
What does the Church teach about immigration, war, caring for our neighbor, the sacredness of human life from conception to natural death, employment and labor...
This indispensable booklet can help parishes embrace stewardship as “an expression of discipleship; a way of growing more Christ-like with each passing day.” Each reflection...
A concise and enriching guide to the prayers every catechist teaches, this beautiful book by Janet Schaeffler, OP will be welcomed by catechists, religion teachers,...
Even the most prayerful catechists can use some inspiration to support and strengthen their ministry and spiritual growth. This inspiring booklet is like a series...
The epidemic of bullying and disrespecting others fills the news each day. In this excellent and important book, Kevin Dowd offers catechists and parents practical...
In this booklet, Janet Schaeffler offers great suggestions for talking to your children about Jesus’ life and times, why Jesus has so many different names,...
Filled with excellent tips and wonderful reflections, this book will help the catechist of any and every level re-engage and re-energize their spirituality so that...
This practical book is a treasure trove of easy, meaningful, and enjoyable ways to introduce children to each part of the Mass and show them...
In this booklet, Tom Quinlan gives solid advice for how to make the Mass more accessible and relevant to even the youngest child. Offering simple...
You’ve volunteered to be a catechist! If you’re wondering what to do next, this workbook is the perfect guide. Here you’ll find teaching and organization...
Here are more than 30 strategies and ideas to help catechists, teachers, and parents share the Beatitudes and Jesus’ teachings about loving God and neighbor....
Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn to identify the names and uses of the objects typically found in a Catholic Church. With...
The Stations of the Cross is so powerful a devotion because we put ourselves in the steps of Jesus as he makes his way to...
Young children (4-8) will have fun as they learn about the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church with this interactive sticker booklet. Following along with...
Young children (4-8) will have fun as this interactive sticker booklet teaches them about the Ten Commandments, God’s loving guidelines for living a safe and...
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