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Today’s catechetical ministers are called to serve as agents of evangelization to parents as well as children. In this sequel to Engaging the Parking Lot...
The Easter season invites us into a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian in the world today. At Mass during those...
Everything you need to know about Advent and Christmas is right here and in full color! History, theology, rites, rituals, and customs of the seasons are all...
In reimagining the confirmation retreat, take a step back from the trips, the games, the destinations, and the guest speakers, and instead focus on the...
In reimagining the confirmation retreat, take a step back from the trips, the games, the destinations, and the guest speakers, and instead focus on the...
Do Catholics have to go to Mass every Sunday? Why do we move around so much at Mass? Are we supposed to hold hands during...
Get confirmation candidates excited about reading the Bible with this new book that explains—in clear, relatable ways—how the Church reads and interprets Scripture. “The Bible...
The new Directory for Catechesis provides an opportunity to renew and refresh the call to catechetical ministry. The Refresh Your Faith series offers hands-on applications...
In this plain-English study guide, acclaimed scholar and theologian Bill Huebsch makes Pope Francis’ message in Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship even more...
Pope Francis has chosen this time to issue a new encyclical, Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship, acknowledging the perils of both our divisions...
This powerful encyclical is Pope Francis’ “cry from the heart” to all people of the earth to see beyond their differences—indeed to work with their...
The little booklet is all about how you can grow in friendship with God. Having a friend is wonderful, and God is our very best...
The little booklet offers an easy way to figure out this crazy, complicated thing called life. Based on a popular prayer practice by St. Ignatius...
The new Directory for Catechesis provides an opportunity to renew and refresh the call to catechetical ministry. The Refresh Your Faith series offers hands-on applications of...
In every area of parish life—from sacraments to faith formation to evangelization—parish leaders face the challenges of racism, xenophobia, sexism, and other social sins. In...
Preparing children and youth for the sacraments is rewarding, but there is so much to do! These booklets can help coordinators, DREs, and parish staff...
Preparing children and youth for the sacraments is rewarding, but there is so much to do! These booklets can help coordinators, DREs, and parish staff...
Preparing children and youth for the sacraments is rewarding, but there is so much to do! These booklets can help coordinators, DREs, and parish staff...
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